REQUEST A BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE Need a Baptismal Certificate? Complete the form below and we will send the certificate directly to the parish or school requesting the certificate. Request for Baptismal Certificate Your Name * Your Email Address * Your Phone Number * I'm requesting this certificate on behalf of... * Myself My Child Other (Please note, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires that baptismal certificates be produced only on the request of the one named on the certificate or, in the case of a minor, by a parent) Purpose for Certificate * Preparation for First Reconciliation or First Communion Preparation for Confirmation Marriage To be a Godparent Application for Seminary School Enrolment Other First Name of the Baptized * Last Name of the Baptized * Date of Birth for the Baptized * The Baptized Father's First Name * The Baptized Father's Last Name * The Baptized Mother's First Name * The Baptized Mother's Maiden Name * Name of Church or School Where Requested Certificate Should be Sent * City of Church or School Where Requested Certificate Should be Sent * If you are human, leave this field blank. Request Certificate